Treatment for to Help Relieve Your Suffering

man experiencing wisdom tooth painThe final set of teeth to erupt in a teen or young adult is the 3rd set of molars, often referred to as “wisdom teeth.” Wisdom teeth may erupt into place with little to no discomfort, but they have a reputation for creating pain, swelling, and damage to adjacent teeth.

In certain cases, it may be necessary to have them extracted. This resolves the area of localized infection, and prevents complications associated with other teeth in the mouth. Some of the reasons why Drs. Dumitru or Harris may recommend extracting the 3rd molars include:

  • Being impacted against adjacent teeth
  • Tooth decay
  • Chronic pain or discomfort
  • Crowding or shifting of the other teeth
  • Partial eruption

Due to their location, even partially erupted wisdom teeth are difficult to clean properly. Because of this, they often develop periodontal disease or tooth decay. As such, we typically recommend having them removed before the problem spreads or worsens.

Keeping You Comfortable During Surgery

impacted wisdom tooth displayed in xrayIt is understandable that many of our patients are concerned about their comfort during wisdom tooth removal surgery. As such, we provide sedation options to minimize any discomfort felt throughout the procedure. We also work closely with you to monitor any discomfort felt throughout the recovery period.

If you or your teen is experiencing pain or discomfort through the jaws or back of the mouth, it could be due to the wisdom teeth. A quick panoramic x-ray and exam at our Mesquite office is all you need to get quick answers concerning the health of your 3rd molars. Please call Virgin Valley Dental today to schedule an exam with us.

Find out more information on Wisdom Teeth and other dental extractions.